Total Cost with Shipping: AUD 1,520.00
Still the most reliable and toughest cranks in the industry. Why?
- Made from the highest grade of high nickel nodular cast iron
- Eight counterweight design, proven over 23 years of reliable service
- Finished with ever popular Chev Small Block 350 2.1" rod journal diameter and width
- Cross drilled main oiling for maximum bearing life
- Perfectly indexed 90 degrees and precision finish ground on Berco production grinders
- Extra large flywheel flange and properly designed counterweights for maximum rigidity and ease of balancing
- Super strong rod journal to main journal overlap material to avoid breakages and development of stress cracks
- Reliable to over 600 flywheel BHP and at least 7000 rpm
If you want to build your engine once, use the toughest and best value for money parts. Our nodular iron cranks have set the industry standard since 1990. Because we never skimp on material quality and finish machining accuracy you end up with the absolute best cranks in the industry. We are not the lowest price option but as many of you should know, low price often means that corners are cut somewhere. The crank is the largest and most important single bottom end component in your engine's bottom end. You can use our cranks with the knowledge you have fitted the strongest most accurate crank available. The extra cost becomes irrelevant when you know you won't need to replace the crank because it cracks, breaks or vibrates.
Our complete balanced kits are the best option in most cases but if you prefer to put together your own crank,rod, piston assembly make sure you at least include our crank in your kit. Our crank is compatible with any Small Block 2.1" big end journal rods so your options are huge. Our cranks will be easy to balance with virtually any rod/piston combination because we leave sufficient extra material in counterweights to make balancing easy without needing to use expensive heavy metal (Mallory Metal).
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